Uplifting others is a fairly simple task. It involves little to no preparation, time, money or resources. It's something we can all freely give and receive, yet many of us go days, months even years without lending an encouraging word or feeling encouraged ourselves. Hope Seekers strives to give the gift of encouragement to everyone, and believes that a step toward making the world a better place starts with uplifting others. So... The next time you notice something good about someone, tell them.
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~ Anne Frank
Current Campaign For Hope
Refuge for Women

Whats your story?
Refuge for Women, Incorporate, a 501(c)3 organization, formed in January 2009 in Lexington, KY, and was founded by Ked and Michelle Frank. Ked currently serves as the President of the national Refuge for Women organization. During the time prior to starting Refuge, Ked had a series of pivotal conversations with the leader of a group doing outreach to women in local strip clubs. Although the outreach had been ongoing for three years, the women who wanted help with escaping had no long-term places to go. In response to this need, Refuge for Women opened its first safe house in Kentucky in 2009. It is a non-profit, faith-based organization that provides long-term care for women who are survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, offering them a new beginning. Since that time, Refuge for Women has served more than 100 women. Refuge for Women currently operates 4 safe homes in the United States – Central Kentucky, Chicago, North Texas, and Las Vegas.
What is the mission of your organization?
To become the largest provider of aftercare services for trafficked and sexually exploited women in the United States. The goal is to have a network of safe homes that provide opportunities for women to escape traffickers, recover, heal, and reintegrate successfully into society
What will you do with the funds donated?
The donated funds will be utilized to help open a safe home in Southern California within the next 6-12 months.
What else would you like our donors to know about you?
Human Trafficking is a dark industry that abuses and exploits women of all ages. When a woman is rescued from a trafficker, she is left with many years of past trauma and oftentimes, substance abuse issues. In 2016, according to Polaris, there were 5,551 sex trafficking cases reported in the United States on the National Human Trafficking Hotline yet according to a study done by the State of Illinois, there were only about 700 beds available for sex trafficking victims after they were rescued and/or those seeking a way out of “the life”. The largest number of cases were from Texas and California.
Refuge for Women offers up to twelve months of safe housing, at no charge to the resident, with around the clock care as client’s progress through evidence-based, trauma-informed programming. The compassionate staff is trained to help residents work through the program to reclaim their identities and reach their goals to overcome addictions, heal from trauma and develop life skills leading to healthy, balanced living and financial independence. Refuge for Women strives to help each woman complete the program with a vision for her future, equipped to succeed and sustain a life marked with dignity and hope.